Concussion Awareness

All managers and coaches
are required to take the on-line course on concussions at
the CDC located here: Concussion HeadsUp Training and submit their certificates to the
league safety officer before the start of the season.
Attach certificates and email to [email protected].

Parents are encouraged to take the course so that they will be armed with the same
information as our coaches and managers. We ask that parents respect the decisions of our
managers ,coaches and umpires when a child is removed from play. It has been found that concussion
symptoms may take time to show up and it is very dangerous to play with a concussion.
If your child is removed from play for a suspected concussion he/she will be required to see a doctor in order to return to play.
More general information and fact sheets can be found here: Concussions and youth sports

Local Sponsors

Portsmouth Little League

Portsmouth Little League, P.O. Box 38
Portsmouth, Rhode Island 02871

Email: [email protected]